Sunday, February 10, 2008


So when do you get together for tribal council and vote someone off the island?


Ashly Bjorn said...

Sorry, Travis, I hope I didn't offend you with my ideas. I need to just stop giving my ideas because it really doesn't matter. I am just used to a different competition so this competition is really new for me. I am such an organized person that I hate it when there are blurry lines. You and Heather would probably love to vote me off right now. If it would really make you feel better, I can drop out and start another competition. Sorry again if I have offended anyone.

Travis Taylor said...

I really don't know what you are talking about. I think you are doing great and should keep at it. I was refering to voting Heather off... she keeps hiding my vegetables. Josh would be a good choice, for no good reason. :) I am not offended, really no reason to have gotten offended about anything.