Monday, March 31, 2008

I'm totally not sure

I've been so sick this week and I don't know what to put down as my number for the week. I think it's somewhere around 200 but I have no clue really. Once again Ashley I can't believe (well I do but..yeah) that you were sick and still made a 344. Congrads everyone!! Thanks for helping me get motivated. I hope I have some workout buddies still?? :o) if any of you ladies would like company when you work out or anytime for that matter call me sometime!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

final week

My points this week are 310, with a grand total of..... (drumroll please)..... 2393!!
Goood job everyone! I hope I can keep this up!


well, we did it! I'm sure glad this is over, but I hope to continue on with exercising and being more conscious about my treat intake-that was kind of an eye opener to me.

Anyway, I got 344 this week.

Let's party!

Done, Done... and Done

Travis and Heather 344

I'm so happy...

Yay! We are done!!!

My final points are 344!

I am so excited that we all did this. I am excited to start my own routine and see what I can do on my own now! I hope I am as diligent! Good job everyone! This was not easy. So, when are we going to get together and celebrate?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

so, Sunday is the last day?

Does everyone agree that we will end this thing on Sunday? Technically, Mon. is the 31st, but there is no need to count one more day.